Neste blog estarei coletando todos os meus estudos referente a BIBLIOLOGIA. Aqui vocês encontrarão todas as informações que tenho sobre a Bíblia no que diz respeito ao seu conteúdo, forma, inspiração, canonicidade e história. /////////////In this blog I'll be collecting all my studies concerning Bibliology. Here you will find all the information I have about the Bible with regard to content, form, inspiration, canonicity and history.
terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014
By: Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes
Comparing the text of Romans chapter 13.1ss and I Corinthians 2:6-8 we read that the first text , Paul commends the Christians who lived in the capital of the Roman Empire who were obedient citizens the authorities , even if the Roman government possessed highly contrary ideologies Christian doctrines as the cult of the emperor. Paul recommends that Christians obey the government only when they were disobeying conflict that would undermine the Christian to worship God . You text of the letter to the Corinthians , Paul says that the rulers of these world are ignorant of God's plan , because it knew God would never have crucified Jesus . We should not create expectations about the governments of this world, they are under the influence of many malignant forces , we submit ourselves to any government , not resist it and without leaving an instrument in the hands of governments that often tempt the church to be his support base . Our real government , is the messianic, and await the return of Jesus to reign eternally , even as Jesus taught us to pray : " Thy kingdom come ."
sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2014
The reality of it all is that we have no evidence that forbid dating from the sixth century BC In addition, the linguistic evidence (related to Hebrew and Aramaic of Daniel) indicate an earlier period to the second century. The fact that Daniel write in the first person from Chapter 7 to the end of the book, naturally suggests that it is the author, although the use of the third person in the first part might indicate that someone else has determined the structure and organization of the book. Thus, I believe that the book of Daniel is prophetic and describes future events of kingdoms, later the prophet's life.
The reality of it all is that we have no evidence that forbid dating from the sixth century BC In addition, the linguistic evidence (related to Hebrew and Aramaic of Daniel) indicate an earlier period to the second century. The fact that Daniel write in the first person from Chapter 7 to the end of the book, naturally suggests that it is the author, although the use of the third person in the first part might indicate that someone else has determined the structure and organization of the book. Thus, I believe that the book of Daniel is prophetic and describes future events of kingdoms, later the prophet's life.
quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2014
Although it may be interesting to consider some New Testament books as being written in the second century by authors who imitated Paul's style, I think it is important to bear in mind that credible arguments have been set out which retain the traditional view of dating and authorship. For example, a dating of Acts before 64CE is supported by the following considerations: 1. the absence of reference to events which took place from 66 - 70 CE (ie. the Jewish revolt and the fall of Jerusalem), 2. the absence of reference to the death of Paul, 3. the subject matter accords with the themes of the early church, 4. the neutral attitude of the state toward the church (Christians were persecuted from the time of Nero) 5. the author of Acts shows little or no acquaintance with Paul's epistles, which is evidence he wrote before these were collected and widely circulated. (See Donald Guthrie, New Testament Introduction).
domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2014
Por: Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes
Este capítulo Paulo dedicou-se a explicar os conceitos cristãos sobre assuntos como namoro, casamento, viuvez, celibato, e divórcio. São conceitos básicos e fundamentais, não abrange todos os pormenores da vida matrimonial, mas dá para qualquer um compreender que ser solteiro, só vale a pena de for para ser puro, não viver na imoralidade sexual e principalmente para aproveitar a liberdade de ser solteiro e usa-la para trabalhar mais para o reino de Deus. O casamento é sagrado. O objetivo do casamento não é se auto-satisfazer, mas servir uma outra pessoa como sua cara metade.
Este capítulo Paulo dedicou-se a explicar os conceitos cristãos sobre assuntos como namoro, casamento, viuvez, celibato, e divórcio. São conceitos básicos e fundamentais, não abrange todos os pormenores da vida matrimonial, mas dá para qualquer um compreender que ser solteiro, só vale a pena de for para ser puro, não viver na imoralidade sexual e principalmente para aproveitar a liberdade de ser solteiro e usa-la para trabalhar mais para o reino de Deus. O casamento é sagrado. O objetivo do casamento não é se auto-satisfazer, mas servir uma outra pessoa como sua cara metade.
Par: Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes
Ce chapitre, Paul se consacre à expliquer les concepts chrétiens sur des sujets tels que la datation, le mariage, le veuvage, le célibat et le divorce. Sont des concepts essentiels et fondamentaux, ne couvre pas tous les détails de la vie conjugale, mais donne pour quiconque de comprendre que seul être, le seul valable est d'être pur, pas vivre dans l'immoralité sexuelle et surtout de profiter de la liberté d'être unique et l'utiliser pour travailler plus pour le royaume de Dieu. Le mariage est sacré. Le but du mariage n'est pas l'auto-satisfaction, mais servir une autre personne que votre partenaire.
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